Today I get up early , now it is 5:30. I can't sleep well. So I get up and done my morning routine. Then I walked towards and changed for jogging it is one of my routine. So now time is 6 in the morning .
In morning,environment is very calm and nature looks so beautiful. This calm surroundings give me peace.
After 3 to 4 rounds I came back to house and took a cold bath. I walked to my closet . Today I have to look perfect , elegant at the sametime powerful so my attire also should be powerful . So I selected black suit. I set my hair free . I used my favorite cologne. I put small chain on my neck.
After getting ready I reach downstairs and eat breakfast in a hurry. I took my car keys and drive to the office. When I reached office everything is arranged. When I entered my cabin Arjun and Ruhi staring at me.
"What happened guys ! Why are you staring at me ? " I asked with confusion.
"Riti, you are stunning in this outfit. I never seen you like this. " Ruhi said in astonishment.
"Haa Riti, you look so hot and sexy in this outfit. If someone see you he will lost in your figure." Arjun said.
"What!" I asked to Aju with a sharp look.
He suddenly changes the topic and said
"We have to reach their in 10' O clock."
"Okay, I think we should leave now then only we can reach on time." I said to him.
Ruhi hugged me and said "please take care, I know you are bold but somewhere inside your heart you are feeling a little nervous. Don't worry everything will be perfect as your wish"
"Okay then, I am leaving Bye." I said to her with a smile.
Now Aju is driving the car. I was lost in my thoughts. Suddenly his voice hit my ear.
"Where are you lost Riti?" He asked me
"Nothing. What did you asked me ? I asked to him
"From where did you buy this outfit." He asked me.
"Why?" I asked him.
"Because it suits nice on you. I think Ruhi should also start to wear this type of dress." He said
"Why should she wear this type of suits.? You know that she will not wear this type of suits. Yeah....she is modern but she will not wear this types of outfits." I said to him.
"I am bored seeing her in sarees and Anarkalis. Is she can wear jeans and top outside ,then why should she can't wear this type of outfits." Arjun said
"Because it's her choice she is wearing her comfortable dress and I am wearing in which I am comfortable. minute why are caring her dress style and why you want to see her in this type outfits. Tell me, you are interested with her ." I asked him
"I....that...." He is nervous while saying .
"Are you a stammer? " I asked him.
"No." He answered
"Then why you can't speak properly. " I asked
"I am not interested with her . I was just said that's it." He said
"Okay" I said in teasing tone.
Finally we reached our destination. We both walked towards receptionist and asked her about our appointment. She called Takur's assistant. That was a girl.
"Come on , mam " She said.
I was feeling very nervous. I am controlling now and suddenly Arjun side hugged me,that time I feel some peace and I came to my form because he is with me and as well as I don't want to put his life at stake because of my small mistakes. So now I am ready to meet them with full confidence with full power.
She said "Mam please wait sir will come in 2 minutes"
"Okay" I said in my cold voice.
"Are you okay Riti? If you are not okay we can go back."Arjun said to me putting his hand on my shoulder. I just hugged him and said
"I am okay Aju , there is no need to go back . Now you are with me , right? " I said with small smile.
"I will be always with you ." Aju said to me.
Suddenly a voice came from the doorside
"Good morning , DK." When I hear that voice,my inner soul started to shiver. I controlled myself and said.
"Good morning Mr. Sidharth Takur and Mr.Hitesh Takur"
When they saw me , they really get shocked. Now they must be thinking that 'how I am alive ?' I know they are definitely thinking this.
I make noise with my fingers to snap out them from their thoughts.
"Hello, excuse me where are you both lost! Can we talk about business?" I asked them. Suddenly he said
""He asked with nervous.
"Who is this Ritu? She is Dhriti Krishna ." Arjun said to them.
"What are you doing here and why did you change your name ? Your name was Dhriti Das,right?"
"What the hell are you talking I don't understand anything. Why should I change my name? My name is
Dhriti Krishna."I said to them. I was really enjoying their fear.
"My name is Dhriti Krishna , you can call me by name or You can call me DK." I said in a stern voice.
" are DK.... you are the founder of AURA Group of Company " Hitesh asked
"Yes...what is this Arjun? Please make them understand ." I said to Arjun
"DK., calm down I will make them understand." Arjun said to me. I move towards the window . Now Arjun talking with them.
"Mr. Takur you know her. "
"Yeah.....we know her." They said
"From when did you know her?" Arjun asked
"Why did you ask this?" They asked.
"If it was 7 years ago, she can't recognize you both."Arjun said.
"Why?" They asked
"Because 7 years ago , she had met with an accident and lost her memory. Now she have only the memories of these 7 years. She doesn't know what happened to her 7 years ago, who was her family. Her brother had come to meet her . I think they are orphans. But now he is not here , he is out of country." Arjun said.
Now there is a relief in their face.
"Dk , I made them understand. "Arjun said to me
"Okay Ms. Dhriti Krishna, please take your seat." Hitesh said to me
"Can we talk about business , now." I asked with my cold voice.
"Yes of course" Hitesh said.
"Okay , 40 percent profit of project is for you and 50 percent for us. According to our assumption 40 percent profit will be 2 times greater than your investment .
What is your decision. If you are ready for this deal. You can sign the contract." I said
"We are ready for it but we need sometime to arrange the cash. " Hitesh said.
"Mmm.... I know you are in loss but if you sign our deal you will become stable . Then don't tell anyone about our deal because I rejected your partner Malhotra Group of Company , Mr.Aarush Malhotra had challenged. So don't leak any information. You know him very well he will do anything for getting the deal. But now this investment is your necessity so you are responsible for keeping this as secret. And if you are ready for becoming our partner in this project inform me within one month" I said everything in detail.
"And one thing why can't you ask investment from Malhotras because Mr.Aarush Malhotra is your friend, right? You don't want to disclose our deal. But you can say that money for another project. " I even show the path for getting investment.Because signing this deal is very important for me. They only know the old Dhriti but this new Dhriti is very different. I am very good at manipulating the people. I am sure that they will ask Malhotras help.
"Anyways I am leaving and think about the way I suggested." I said and leave from there.
"Ohh Riti what a acting yaar , you performed a Oscar winning performance. " Aju said by driving the car.
"Really?" I asked with a grin on my face
"Yeah.....then that dad and son....Oh my god...they are really fools. After all these happened they are ready to sign the deal with you. They are acting as nothing happened. But I observed they scared when they saw you. I really enjoyed it , Riti. Thanks for having me along. Otherwise I can't see this masterpiece acting of yours." Arjun said with laugh.
"It's just a trailer Aju, the real story begins now , story of revenge." I said with devilish smile.
"Anyway did you do the work I told?" I asked to Arjun.
"Yes." He said
"So let us listen them " I said to him. I had said to Arjun to fix some microphones in the cabin of Sidharth.
"Dad, I can't believe this. " Sidharth said tensed.
"What happened? Hitesh asked .
"Dad, she is alive and you are sitting like that nothing has happened ." Sidharth raised his sound.
"Calm down Sidharth and low your voice. She came here for a deal and it's not just a deal for us. We can overcome our loss. You don't need to worry because she had lost her memory." Hitesh said.
"No Dad I can't believe that she had lost her memory. If she had lost her memory her name was still same just her surname changed. How is that possible?" After hearing Sidharth's word we really panicked now Ruhi is also with
"I said to you both they will not believe this" Ruhi said
"Ruhi can you please keep quiet " Arjun said
"Didn't you heard that what that Arjun said , her brother that means Vikram is with her. I think he may be came from London without informing Das and taken that Dhriti from there and came here Mumbai for better treatment . Even I can't believe she is still alive , she is very lucky at the same time we are also, 7 years ago she helped us when we facing bankrupt now also she is helping us. " Hitesh said
By hearing this Arjun said
"Yeah.....yeah.....very lucky. They are digging their own pit."
"I think dad you are right even after that big attack she is still alive but her memory had lost . It's is the side affect of that attack ,it is possible." Sidharth believed my act.
"I think sidhu now you have a opportunity to have a jackpot." Hitesh said .
I , Aju and Ruhi is Keenly hearing his words.
"What did you mean dad?"
"I mean why you can't again make fall Dhriti for you ." Hitesh said.
"Dad .... what are you saying ?"
"I mean make her Mrs Takur and now she is not old Dhriti .
She is a millionaire and she owns a company and above all that she is one of the toppest business woman in our country now. If you make her yours......" Hitesh said
"Yeah Dad you are right. She is not that old Dhriti she was beautiful but now she is very sexy. The suit she today wear...uff...I don't know dad how I controlled myself. I think now I had fallen for her really. So she is my would be wife. " Sidharth said with laugh.
"What people they are ! Shamless. Even after all the shits they had done,again he wanted to seduce you . Disgusting people." Ruhi said.
"Ru... even I wanted this, because I know he will fall in my trap. He want to seduce me then only my plan works." I said
"Plan...that means you expected this." Arjun asked
"Yes...because they are greedy even 7 years ago they was like this. So I expected this. And Today onwards you two stay out of all these things because the game I am playing is not at all safe, my life is already ruined but I don't want ruin your life because you have bright future. Maybe at the end of this game I will win but my breath that will stop on that day....." I said
"Shut up....."Aju said and gives a sudden break and he get down from the car.
"Riti, get down...."Arjun yelled.
"What happened? I asked
"What did you say we have to stay out of these things. No Riti we will be with you, we are four people army. We will never let you alone. You always say that we are your family. So how can your family let you face all problem alone. We will be with you whatever happens. Then you don't dare talk about the death. If you again talk like that I will give you hard slap. Do you get me?" Arjun said to me in stern voice.
"Then what did you said we have a bright future. Even that future was you given to us Dhriti. If you don't came to our life we don't we handle.....everything ,our family. Everything now we have in our life is because of you. You made us partners of your company , high salary and you are even handling the medical expenses of our family. Because of you my papa is still alive...... After all these,you think that we will leave you alone? Never Riti. If we do like that even God will never forgive us. We can't forgive ourselves also. So whatever happen we will face it together". Ruhi said to me. Now my eyes filled with tear. I started to cry and I sat on the road. Suddenly Arjun come and hold me and said
"Riti.....what happened....please don't cry okay, we can't see your tears. We will always with you till our last breath even after the death we will be together as ghost we will follow you. Because true friends are always connected by spirits." I smiled at his words and said.
"I was cursing myself, my life but now I think that I am very lucky because I got friends like you . My family by blood abandoned me but I got a loving , supportive, caring family. This is enough for me." I hugged Ruhi and Arjun.
"Then come on we can go to your house let me cook . Yesterday I had seen a recipe in internet, let me try it." Aju said by wiping my tears.
"Don't dare okay?" I said in stern voice.
"Yeah....don't do it . Because we have no time for wasting in hospital. So please don't cook Arjun. I will do whatever you say but don't cook food for us." Ruhi said in teasing tone.
"Anyways I am not going to cook because Riti had came back to her form. And you Ruhi don't tease me everytime because it will not good for you ,okay." Arjun said
"If I tease you what you will do? " Ruhi asked . I sighed and keep my hand on head because they are going to start their fight.
"What I will do , I will post your sleeping photo that I had taken last year,in instagram." Arjun said.
"Don't dare Aju . If you do that I will say to your family that.....umm....yeah....I will say that you have a girlfriend." Ruhi said in fuming.
"Okay please go and say. I will introduce you as my girlfriend. "Arjun said
If I didn't stop them they will fight like this for hours.
"Okay, enough....." I shouted. People are looking us.
"Stop it okay,your fight is enough for today . Let's go to office , there is so many work is pending. If you are not coming I will go from here and you can fight as much you want." I said and move towards car and sit on driving seat.
"Come on dumb let's go otherwise we will go and you have to come office by yourself." Arjun said.
"Aju......I hate you " She walked towards car.
"I hate you too Ruhi" Arjun said and sit on passenger seat and Ruhi sitting back.
When I reached office my eyes widened because there was all the media and press were gathered. As well as they captured us.
"You sit here. I will handle them." Arjun said but I stopped him because now there is no need to hide my identity.
"Today I am going to face them and I will reveal my identity ." I said
"What!" Arjun and Ruhi asked me at same time.
" I am going to face them if you guys not want that then I am not going to face them." I said
"No we want you to do that." Ruhi said
"Come on yaar , let's rock it." Arjun said to me.
When I opened the car door , reporters started to ask me questions.
"Are you DK? Why did you hide your identity? Your are the founder of this Company? What is your motive behind hiding your face? All are dying for becoming a public figure, then why didn't you came infront media?Now you are one of the toppest business woman in India, the why did you hide your face?Why DK? From were are you coming from? Where is your family? And so on they bombarded me with number questions and camera flashes hitting my face. I just smiled at them and said
"If you ask this much question at one time I can't answer . I will answer all your questions. First you all calm down . So I think now I can speak. My name Dhriti Krishna and in business field I was known as DK. I came from..... I think that answer have no value ,now I am settled in Mumbai. I hide my face , my identity because I don't want to ruin my private life and I am not dying for becoming an public figure. Whatever it is I know that one day you all find me. Now I am infront of you and infront of world. There is no motive behind hiding my identity , my face... the exact reason was I am not at all prepared for facing you and I was busy in building my empire. Now I very well prepared to face you , world. About my family.....they are my family Arjun Arora and Ruhi Ahuja and other two family members are out of country. When they reach I will introduce them also...." Ruhi and Arjun standed left and right side of me.
What is your inspiration? Are you a orphan? Tell us about your upcoming project.How you started your business?
Again they started to ask questions.
"Okay guys. I am not an orphan. I introduced my family. Even after that you want to think that I am an orphan , so you can think like that. I have a brother, he is out of country now. Then about my inspiration. My inspiration is myself and my pain that residing in my heart, according to me inspiration is thing which you give mental strength for success. My pain is gives me the strength. Then we started this AURA wing with Indian- European Restaurant that situated in pune . From that restaurant we started and expanded our AURA wing. Now it has 5 branches throughout the country. And guys I think ,I answered all your questions and about new projects I will give update on that." I said to media and gave some poses with Arjun and Ruhi ,even single poses.
"But I don't understand how these medias reached here we said that you are out of country . Then how they came to know that you are here." Ruhi asked .
"There is no need to think about this because I know who informed the Media." I said
"Who? Aju asked.
"Aarush Malhotra, he informed the media." I said.
"How you can be this much sure that he informed media? You can't put blame on anyone without knowing the truth." Ruhi said.
"Excuse me Ms. Dumb, did you forgot yesterday that Aarush Malhotra had challenged Riti . You don't know about him , we know. So we are sure that he informed the media." Arjun said.
"Yeah.....he challenged Riti, but that doesn't mean he had informed the media." Ruhi said.
"Ru....what happened to you! Why are you supporting him ?
Wait ....I think we have to say thanks to him for informing media and you will get proof also Ru..." I said
And I dialed his phone number and put on the the speaker.
"Hello" the voice raised from other side of the phone.
"Hello Mr.Aarush Malhotra I am Dhriti Krishna speaking here." I said to him
"Why did you Call me , to tell that you accepted the defeat in the challenge!" He said with sarcastic voice.
"In your dreams Mr.Aarush Malhotra. Now I called you to say thanks ." I said with teasing tone.
"Thanks ...for what! " He asked me with confusion
"You informed the media right , anyways thank you for your help. I was already going to reveal my identity and you helped me . Thank you so much....Mr.Aarush Malhotra." I said in teasing tone.
"Welcome anyways I helped you. You want to owe me a favor." He said again with his sarcastic tone.
"Yes sure but I will not accept the defeat in challenge." I said to him.
"Okay Ms Dhriti Krishna, I will ask my favor when right time came." He said these and disconnected the call.
"Can you believe now Ru that he informed the media." I asked to Ruhi.
"She is dumb and always remain as dumb,she will never change." Arjun said.
"Yes I am a dumb,are you happy now." Ruhi said and walked inside.
"Yeah I am very happy at least you accepted that your are dumb. " Arjun yelled at her.
"Enough Aju , come let's go to Cafe. I need a strong coffee now." I said to Arjun. Arjun put his hand on my shoulder and walked along with me to Cafe.
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