Sunrays hit my face and I can't open my eyes,with a great difficulty I opened my eyes. It's already 8:45 in morning. I can't believe that one year is passed. This one year I hardworked for taking our family business into heights. My hardwork beared the fruits,now I am a Billionaire. Today I have to go office because there is important meetings to attend. My head is aching very much, I think yesterday I drink without limits. Oh God time is going .
He walk towards washroom and done his morning routine. Then he took a cold bath and walk towards closet.
He took a brown suit for office and get ready. He took a Rolex watch and tied on his wrist . He uses all new branded items he changes his things according to trend. He sprayed his favorite cologne. He walked out his room.
He walked downstairs and his dad in reading newspaper and dadi is arranging dinning table.
"Good morning dad."He wished and took footwish from him.
"Good morning beta."Dadu said by touching his head.
"Good morning dadi" He wished dadi and hugged her.
" Are all other are sleeping dadi ."Aarush asked him dadi.
"Yes all others are sleeping ." Dadi said.
"Dadi , Is Breakfast is ready?"Aarush asked
"Yes,Are you going to office today?" Dadi asked
"Yes dadi I have a important meeting today."Aarush said.
"Okay then you sit I will serve the breakfast ." Dadi said.
"Dadi you cook this food,right?"Aarush asked
"Yes.Why did you ask?"Dadi asked.
"It taste good." Aarush said with small smile and get up after finishing breakfast and gone to wash his hands.
"Good morning dadu and dadi " Ayaan wished and hugged them.
"Aarush bhaiya didn't wake up till now ."Ayaan asked
"What happened beta Is there any urgent ?" Dadu asked Ayaan without telling him that Aarush is behind him.
"Haa dadu ,today bhaiya have urgent meeting . Nowadays bhaiya is very lazy ." Aarush is listening to him Keenly.
Ayaan continued
"Aarush bhaiya is becoming irresponsible, now I am doing all his work on office. How can I handle all this dadu. I think dadu you have to talk to him otherwise--"
"Ho gaya tera" Aarush asked from behind Ayaan
(Are you done)
Ayaan flinched and look back , when he see Aarush behind him he become nervous.
"Bhaiya I was.... I was just kidding . Don't mind what I say "
Ayaan said with a shivering smile.
"Anyways I don't care what you say but I will answer to your joke when you come to office " Aarush said with a devilish smile.
"Dadi,Dadu I am going to office "Aarush said to them and he walked towards the door and looked back and said to Ayaan
"I want to you at office at sharp 10:30 " Aarush said in a stern voice.
"Okay bhaiya" Ayaan said
Aarush walked out and get in the car and gone to office
"What a game you two played. Why didn't you tell that Aarush bhaiya is standing behind me ?"Ayaan asked.
"We love to see you like this " Dadu said to Ayaan with a teasing smile .
"There was only the two of you left to tease me in this house . It is also finished."Ayaan said by a sigh.
"If you keep talking like this from here you will be fired by billu"Dadi said.
"Yes dadi you are right if I get late to office your billu will
kill me . I am going to get ready , dadi please arrange my breakfast in a tiffin box because I have no time to eat from here."Ayaan said dadi ran towards upstairs.
Dadi walked towards kitchen and Dadu continued his news reading.
"Mom,you wake up ! Why are you doing all these? Move aside I will do it" karthika said. Karthika is the mother of Aarush and big daughter-in-law of Malhotra Family.
"It is not a big deal , Yesterday you all slept late. So I thought that don't disturb you all . That's why I got up and prepared the breakfast" Dadi said.
"It's okay mom,but why are you packing breakfast in tiffin box " Karthika asked .
"It's for Ayaan,he told me to pack breakfast in a tiffin box . If he will eat from here he will get late to office " Dadi said.
"Okay mom , I will do it . Did Aarush go to the office ? Karthika asked
"Yes he gone to office " Dadi said
"Okay mom you go and take some rest." Karthika said
"Okay beta " Dadi said with a smile.
Aarush reached the office and he asked about arrangements of meeting is ready or not , to his assistant Raghav.
This meeting is very important to him because it is about a new big project.
"Raghav,I don't want to mess anything in this project. It must be perfect from all angles. Do you get me ?" Aarush said.
"Yes sir we will make it perfect but there is a problem..."Raghav said.
"What... what is the problem" Aarush asked
"We need another company's help for this project sir."
"For what?and why?" Aarush asked in a confusion
"It's team's head decision sir. This project need some technical support and our company can't provide it"
"Then let's arrange it. What is the need for asking other company's help?"Aarush asked
"Sir in these short period we can't arrange it. Not only that,
when another company joins the project,it is also beneficial for us." Raghav made him understand.
"Okay fine. Did you start to find the company" Aarush asked.
"Yes sir we started to short listing the companies." Raghav said.
"Okay, Did Rehaan came here ?Aarush asked.
"No sir " Raghav said.
" If he come send to my cabin,okay"
"Okay sir " Raghav said.
Rehaan Singhania and Ranveer Mishra are best friends of Aarush from childhood.
"May I come in bhaiya.......I mean sir " Ayaan asked.
"Yes come in." Aarush said .
"Mr. Ayaan Malhotra, today you have to visit our fields and give me the reports".Aarush said to Ayaan when he entered the cabin.
"Sir..but..."Ayaan was going to say something but Aarush break-off and said
"I don't want to hear anything do what I say."
"Okay sir" Ayaan said.
"May I come in bhaiya... " Aryan asked.
Aryan Malhotra is elder brother of Ayaan. They are Aarush's cousin brothers.
"Yes come in Aryan "Aarush said
"This is office not our home. Here he is not our bhaiya he is sir he is our boss. So call him sir" Ayaan said
"Will you stop it. Whether it is office or other place you don't have to call me sir. You can call me bhaiya. " Aarush said.
"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Ayaan asked.
"It's small punishment and why are standing here go and do what I say." Aarush said.
"Go Ayaan why are standing here ." Aryaan said to Ayaan in a teasing tone.
Ayaan walked outside now in cabin Aarush and Aryan are talking about new projects.
"Bhaiya today we have to go home earlier. " Aryan said
"Why?Is there any important."Aarush asked.
"I don't know badima told me to tell you."Aryan said.
Aarush understand that Aryan is hiding something . Anyways I have to go earlier home otherwise his mom will make situation worse. Aarush know that his mother is very sensitive ,she will react to small things.
"May I come in Mr. Aarush Malhotra" A voice come the door
This voice is very familiar to Aarush and he know that whose voice is this.
"Come in Mr. Rehaan Singhania "Aarush said .
"Are you waiting for me ?" He asked
"Yes I am waiting for you ." Aarush said
"I know that's why I came here"Rehaan said
"Did you track down him?" Aarush asked with anxiety.
Rehaan didn't answer his question. He maintained silence.
"Rehaan I am asking to you did you find him. Why are you not answering? Aarush asked with impatience.
"Chill...chill... I finded him and tied in our basement . If you come evening we can handle him." Rehaan said.
"No today evening I have to go home earlier ." Aarush said
"What happened anything urgent? You know this work is also very important to us. " Rehaan said.
"I know but it is mom's order . I have to go otherwise you know..." Aarush said
" Yeah..yeah.... I know you go otherwise Karthika aunty will call me and scold me as well." Rehaan said.
"Then you also come with me " Aarush said
"Okay fine " Rehaan said.
"Muma.......Mumaa........."Ayaan shouted while sitting on the couch.
"What happened, why are shouting ?" Meera asked
"Muma..where is my Dr.Daddy " Ayaan asked with irritated.
"I am here , what do you want? Jayesh said to Ayaan.
"Dad , my head is aching please check me and give me medicines." Ayaan said to Jayesh.
"You don't need any medicine,you just need a cold bath." Aarush said.
Rehaan and Aryan also with him. They three sit on the couch on living room beside dadi and dadu.
"Oh! You three are enjoying here. There I am working hard in the sites. "Ayaan said .
"Yes. It is a punishment for your morning joke." Aarush said.
"Just stop your drama and take a cold bath." Aryan said to Ayaan.
"You two brothers,nowadays taunting me a lot." Ayaan said.
"Why are you taunting my Ayaan." Karthika asked by hitting lightly on shoulder of Aarush
"Ask badima, ask him. Only Badima loves me here all others are teasing me and giving all love to these two
brothers" Ayaan said by making a puppy face.
"No Ayaan . I loves you " Rehaan said by patting his cheeks.
"Ayaan go and take a cold bath " Karthika said to Aya,an.
Ayaan walked towards upstairs.
"Where is Dad?mom" Aarush asked.
"I am here " Jaidev said.
Whole family is enjoying their family time. Only one member is missing from their family time and It is Aashvi ,Aarush's younger sister . She is gone for a study trip.
"Why did you tell me to come earlier mom, you have anything important to discuss with me " Aarush asked to Karthika.
"Yes I have to discuss something important to you " Karthika said in serious tone.
"What happened mom? Is there any problem. " Aarush asked.
"Aarush what is your age now?" Karthika asked
"What question is this mom? I am 29 now . You know that."
Aarush said with small smile.
"I know that. I asked to see if you knew that. Do you have any idea, in this age you should be married. Aryan is younger than you , his engagement is over. For which moment you are waiting for. " Karthika said.
"Mom please don't start it again. We already closed this chapter " Aarush said
"I wanted to see my son's wedding. You also wanted a life partner Aarush. We won't be with you all the time, on that time you will be alone. "Tear roll down from her cheeks.
Aarush can't see his mom's tears. He wiped her tears and said .
" Mom I will think about. But you don't fix any dates with any girls, okay. I will find my girl. " Aarush said to console his mom .
"Sure " Karthika asked with a small smile.
"Sure" Aarush said and hugged his mom.
Karthika walked towards her room and Aarush walked towards roof top of his mansion.
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